DISC Assessment


In a meeting, I am most comfortable:

When under stress, I am more likely to:

I prefer communication that is:

When working on a team project, I am most likely to:

My work environment is typically:

In social situations, I tend to:

When faced with a challenge, my instinct is to:

In a group setting, I am most likely to:

The Result:

Your Alisto Package is

DISC - mostly d

You may have a conscientious personality (C).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

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You may have a conscientious personality (C).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

The Result:

Your Alisto Package is

DISC - mostly c

You may have a steady personality (S).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

Cup icon


You may have a steady personality (S).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

The Result:

Your Alisto Package is

DISC - mostly b

You may have an influential personality (I).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

Cup icon


You may have an influential personality (I).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

The Result:

Your Alisto Package is

DISC - mostly a

You may have a dominant personality (D).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

Cup icon


You may have a dominant personality (D).

Remember, the DISC assessment is just one tool to gain insights into your behavioral tendencies, and it's important to consider the context of the assessment.

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