What's Your Procrastination Level?


When you think about your long-term goals, how confident are you in achieving them?

How organized is your workspace?

You have a free day with no obligations. What are you most likely to do?

How often do you say, "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I'll start Monday"?

When faced with a difficult decision, how do you handle it?

You have a long-term goal, like learning a new skill. What's your approach?

How often do you check your social media or other non-essential apps while working?

Your friend invites you to a social event on a day you have work to do. What do you do?

When you have a big project, what is your initial reaction?

How do you typically approach tasks with approaching deadlines?

The Result:

Your Alisto Package is

Procrastination - mostly C

Procrastination is a significant challenge for you, and it might be worth exploring strategies to improve time management and productivity.

Cup icon


Procrastination is a significant challenge for you, and it might be worth exploring strategies to improve time management and productivity.

The Result:

Your Alisto Package is

Procrastination - mostly B

You have some procrastination tendencies but can usually manage them effectively.

Cup icon


You have some procrastination tendencies but can usually manage them effectively.

The Result:

Your Alisto Package is

Procrastination - mostly a

You have excellent time management skills and low procrastination tendencies.

Cup icon


You have excellent time management skills and low procrastination tendencies.

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