
Packages & Pricing

How much are you able to save by working with Alisto
rather than hiring local talent?

Full team

Alisto Local Remote Team (US)
Annual Cost $60,000/year $250,333/year
Hours Per Month 140 140
Team Composition 5 fractional roles tailored to your needs 5 part-time remote hires
Recruitment Cost $0 $8,333/year
(amortized, based on a
3-year employee turnover)
Benefits & Overhead $0 $87,500/year
Management Time & Costs $0 $20,000/year
Hidden Costs $0 ~$7,500/year
Flexibility Fully scalable,
on-demand support $250,333/year
Specialization Experts in admin, marketing, operations, etc. $250,333/year
Time-to-Productivity Immediate $250,333/year
Risk None—no turnover
or compliance issues Turnover, disputes,
and compliance risks

Mini Team

Alisto Local Remote Team (US)
Annual Cost $30,000/year $150,000/year
Hours Per Month 80 80
Team Composition 3 fractional roles tailored to your needs 3 part-time remote hires
Recruitment Cost $0 $5,000/year
(amortized, based on a
3-year employee turnover)
Benefits & Overhead $0 $30,000/year
Management Time & Costs $0 $10,500/year
Hidden Costs $0 ~$4,500/year
Flexibility Fully scalable,
on-demand support Fixed commitments, limited flexibility
Specialization Experts in admin, marketing, and finance Specialists in EA, marketing, and finance
Time-to-Productivity Immediate Weeks to recruit, onboard, and train
Risk None—no turnover
or compliance issues Turnover, disputes,
and compliance risks

Other Services & Add-Ons


Fully interactive, mobile-responsive website built on WordPress,
Webflow, or Shopify.

Starts at $1,800

Annual content calendar

A year-long content calendar aimed to drive brand awareness and support your business goal will be crafted for you.

Starts at $10,000


One-on-one in-depth strategic guidance provided by the CEO, tailored to your business needs.

$1,000 per session


Send us an email at to learn more about this serfvice.

Scope-based Pricing

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have other packages aside from the Mini-Team and Full Team?

Yes, we also offer custom packages for companies that just need support but need something that’s more tailored.

  1. Mini-Team and Full Team Packages – Payments are due on the 1st of each month.
  2. Custom Packages – Payment schedule may vary based on the final package.
  3. Recruitment Services – A non-refundable upfront fee is required

Both the the Mini Team and Full Team Packages require a minimum 3-month commitment, and will continue on a continuous month-to-month basis thereafter.

The minimum term for our Custom Packages may vary depending on the final agreed upon team size and requirements.

For the Mini-Team and Full Team Packages, a 30-day written notice is required for cancellation after the 3-month period has lapsed.

For Custom Packages, the notice period may vary.

Tasks outside the agreed upon scope are billed separately.